I agree so much with this, I breastfed my daughter and it was hard I admit only because I wasn’t producing enough milk so I was only able to breastfeed for three weeks. I was out in public with her a lot so I usually had to feed her in public and the looks I got made me feel horrible like I was doing something wrong by breastfeeding my daughter.

Sarah Michelle Lynch

This is a blog detailing something I feel passionate about—but for once, it’s not books!! It’s a women’s issue—and my books are full of women’s issues.

Breastfeeding? What do we think? Which of these is your opinion?

  • Yuck – lactating, abnormal tits on display. It’s weird. Why do mothers feel the need to do it in public?
  • I try to cop a look whenever I see a nursing mother. Right on!
  • It’s beautiful.
  • Wasn’t there a sketch on Little Britain about that?
  • Breastfed children – do they ever leave home?
  • It’s nature. Not bothered…
  • I live in Australia. It’s everywhere.
  • I know nothing about it.

I’ve seen a lot of debate on the internet about this subject recently and some of it quite frankly made me laugh! Apparently society has gone from throwing nursing mothers out of Harrods or wherever, to slating those mothers who bottle feed publicly… crazy, much?

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